Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September Update

Well, I was going to hold out on blogging until something really cool happened... like learning to walk, but since that hasn't happened and I've had several requests, I'll just have to show some of the other events in my life.

I can't walk on my own yet, but I've been doing a lot of practicing. My parents warned me of the dangers of drinking and driving.

Grandad and Uncie Cam came to visit. They took me to the pool and I showed them how you can drink the water straight out of the fountain.

Dad ran a 6K. We actually ran a 5K together the weekend before, but mom (the family historian) forgot the camera. She was really bummed because it was our first race. We got fourth place and my Grandma and Grandpa were there to cheer us on!

For this race, I stayed behind with my mom, Grandad and Uncie Cam.

We cheered Dad on from the sidelines.

All that cheering must have worked because Dad came in first place in his age division. Man, I guess that stroller and I are some dead weight. I hope he decides to race with us again even if we mess up his chances at a podium finish.


alise said...

Well, Puppy... Needless to say, I love you ver' much, but your mommy needs to teach you that a job worth doing is worth doing well. You sorta half-assed your blog little one. I expect your next one to blow my socks off. I miss you, tiny girl. xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks Dan, nice pictures.

Abby said...

Hi Caroline! I'm with you - this walking business is way overrated. I don't know why people make such a big deal about it... why learn to do something everyone is perfectly happy to do for you?! Glad to see you're already a multi-tasker. :) My mom also recently realized how much nicer it is to run without me... so I feel your pain in being left behind. Keep up the good work!