I feel like I sold myself a little short in my last blog entry. I am actually capable of doing some pretty fun and amazing stuff these days. And you came here to see pictures of me, not that old man I call "dada." Below are a few of the many things I can do.
I tamed this fierce lion, with a ferocious roar of my own.
I wrestled this bear until it let me touch its nose.
I wrestled this bear until it let me touch its nose.
I can play the piano all by myself.
Dad told me that since I am 14 months old now, I have to start earning my keep. My first job was helping him unload the dishwasher. I even did it while standing without support.
It is hard work getting out all that silverware.
I can wear my dad's shades, and look pretty cool doing it.
But I still need to grow bigger ears.
I can tickle my own feet. This is much harder than it sounds.
I've almost figured out how to call one of my grandmas when my parents won't give me what I want.
I really like to read to myself.