Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Full Story

I feel like I sold myself a little short in my last blog entry. I am actually capable of doing some pretty fun and amazing stuff these days. And you came here to see pictures of me, not that old man I call "dada." Below are a few of the many things I can do.

I tamed this fierce lion, with a ferocious roar of my own.
I wrestled this bear until it let me touch its nose.

I can play the piano all by myself.

Dad told me that since I am 14 months old now, I have to start earning my keep. My first job was helping him unload the dishwasher. I even did it while standing without support.

It is hard work getting out all that silverware.

I can wear my dad's shades, and look pretty cool doing it.

But I still need to grow bigger ears.

I can tickle my own feet. This is much harder than it sounds.

I've almost figured out how to call one of my grandmas when my parents won't give me what I want.

I really like to read to myself.

It makes me smile.

This skinny girl can dunk.

I am learning to properly accessorize, but still forget sometimes-
sleeve first, bracelet second.

I came up with a great way to take my milk on the road without compromising my crawl speed. That is my determined face.

I use my sign language skills to let mom and dad know when I want "more."

Just a few more inches and I am out of here.

The rest of the pictures are just of me doing one of my favorite things - splashing in the tub.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September Update

Well, I was going to hold out on blogging until something really cool happened... like learning to walk, but since that hasn't happened and I've had several requests, I'll just have to show some of the other events in my life.

I can't walk on my own yet, but I've been doing a lot of practicing. My parents warned me of the dangers of drinking and driving.

Grandad and Uncie Cam came to visit. They took me to the pool and I showed them how you can drink the water straight out of the fountain.

Dad ran a 6K. We actually ran a 5K together the weekend before, but mom (the family historian) forgot the camera. She was really bummed because it was our first race. We got fourth place and my Grandma and Grandpa were there to cheer us on!

For this race, I stayed behind with my mom, Grandad and Uncie Cam.

We cheered Dad on from the sidelines.

All that cheering must have worked because Dad came in first place in his age division. Man, I guess that stroller and I are some dead weight. I hope he decides to race with us again even if we mess up his chances at a podium finish.