As requested, here are some belly shots to help you decide if baby J #3 is a boy or a girl (added 3/19).
side view
front view
Caroline and James are both so excited about our new baby arriving this August. We have carefully considered all of your comments about deciding whether or not to find out the baby's gender or be surprised like we have done in the past. After much discussion, we've decided to find out the baby's gender this time around. Little Caroline is 100% certain that this baby is a girl and just in case she's wrong, we want to be able to prepare her that she'll be a great big sister to a brother once again. We also decided that Linzy is right... this baby deserves the fun of guessing too so please enter your guesses in the comment section. In fact, make sure you guess, because if you don't, we just won't tell you what we know next week!
As always, you may want to factor in these important details:
* The Chinese gender predictor says we're having a girl.
* Both mother's and father's intuition say girl... however I've (Brie) been wavering lately.
* Alise's mother-in-law's pendulum test says girl.
* We haven't tried the Johnson family pencil test yet... maybe we'll keep them in the dark a little longer so we can have another blind trial of the tried and true test.
* Every little old lady that sees me guesses that it's a boy. One even got goose bumps when she gave me her prediction. Don't underestimate the power of the little old lady strangers out there.
* I've been about as sick as I was with both Caroline and James... maybe a little better (maybe wishful thinking).
* I have been craving sweet things, oh and salty things... although I'd be craving those things if I weren't pregnant. I've been drinking lemonade like it's going out of style, I'm pretty sure that's a real craving.
* The heart rate has always been high... in the 160s every time.
Make sure to get your guesses in soon... we actually find out on Tuesday March 20th! We promise next time we'll have real pictures to show off, maybe even ultrasound shots of baby #3. Oh, and if you love surprises as much as we do and want to be kept in the dark until August, we'll do our best to keep the gender from you. Just indicate it in the comment section.